Stay Compliant with Updated 2024 Labor Law Posters

Stay Compliant with Updated 2024 Labor Law Posters

As we approach the threshold of 2024, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve in compliance matters. With more than 20 states implementing mandatory posting changes effective January 1, 2024, it's time to ensure your labor law posters are up-to-date.

These postings are required under state laws and provide employees with the latest information on topics such as:

  • Minimum wage rates,
  • Leave laws,
  • Discrimination protections and
  • Veterans' benefits.

Will my state poster change?

Employers in the states listed below should be ready to display these updated posters on January 1:

Alaska: Minimum Wage

Arizona: Minimum Wage

California: Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave

Colorado: Colorado Overtime & Minimum Pay Standards Order (COMPS Order)

Connecticut: Minimum Wage; Paid Sick Leave

Illinois: Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws; Paid Leave for All Workers

Maine: Minimum Wage; Regulation of Employment; Veterans' Benefits and Services

Maryland: Minimum Wage

Massachusetts: Paid Family and Medical Leave

Michigan: Minimum Wage

Minnesota: Minimum Wage; Veterans' Benefits and Services

Missouri: Minimum Wage

Montana: Minimum Wage*

Nevada: Domestic Violence Bulletin

New Jersey: Minimum Wage

New York: Minimum Wage

Ohio: Minimum Wage

Rhode Island: Minimum Wage

South Dakota: Minimum Wage

Vermont: Minimum Wage

Washington: Paid Family Leave, Minimum Wage*

Is a new poster required?

The above updates are mandatory and must be posted, except for the minimum wage changes in Montana, South Dakota, and Washington. These states provide an updated minimum wage poster, but posting it is not required under state law.

Displaying the state's latest pay information is an effective way for employers to inform their employees of the state's minimum wage rate. It also shows that you are aware of the new rate and are on top of updates to state laws.

Where can I get the updated posters?

You can buy glossy laminated posters, but you can also get them for free from your state's labor website. Federal Posters are available for free at the website. 

Navigating these updates can be complex, but you don't have to do it alone. Let's make 2024 a year of proactive compliance and peace of mind. Happy New Year!

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